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an essential oil in a bed of roses

Massage Moi

Massage Moi


Oil Blend:

Eucalyptus, Globulus

Fir Needle, Douglas




Rosemary, ct. cineole

Tea Tree

Massage Moi is a blend of various essential oils specially made to soothe your overworked muscles and emotional stress. The essential oil present in this blend includes eucalyptus globulus, fir needle douglas, lavender, niaouli, peppermint, rosemary et. cineole, and tea tree. All these make Massage Moi relevant to anyone who wishes to relax muscles, ease depression, soothe inflammation or fatigue.



  • Contains seven essential oils that focus on pain management.
  • Penetrates the skin to loosen tight muscles and stiff joints to soothe tensions or aches.
  • Improves mental well-being as it reduces depression, mood swings, anxiety and nervousness.
  • Very easy-to-use and effective.



  • Apply 1-3 drops of essential oil on your palm. Rub your hands together and spread evenly on your wet skin after the shower avoiding sensitive areas. Then, apply cream or lotion to seal the moisture.
  • For Bath, mix 4-8 drops of Massage Moi in a teaspoon of carrier oil. Add ½ cup of whole milk or heavy cream, if preferred and 1-2 cups of Epsom salt or Dead Sea salt if you have muscle aches. Pour mixture in a tub of warm water and immerse yourself in the tub for 10-15 minutes.
  • For foot massage, add 1-3 drops of essential oil in half a teaspoon of carrier oil. Then stir the mixture in a tub of warm water and deep in your feet for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix 3-5 drops of essential oil and stir briskly in warm or cold water if you wish to compress. Deep in a washcloth, wring and place on the area needed for 1-5 minutes. Repeat the process three times. Use warm water to relax and increase circulation and cool water for inflammation.
  • Put 6-30 drops of Massage Moi in a teaspoon of carrier oil or fragrance-free, natural lotion for a body massage.
  • For spot application, mix 1-4 drops of essential oil in a teaspoon of oil or aloe vera and place it in the area needed.




  • Topical: Dilute with carrier oil or water before use. Take note of guidelines but adjust proportions and methods according to individual sensitivities, expected results and other necessary characteristics.


  • This blend is only fit for external use. Avoid contact with eyes and other sensitive areas.
  • Always dilute before use. Pregnant women and nursing mothers must consult a doctor before using essential oils.
  • Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature, avoiding direct sunlight.